Our Vision
To be a dynamic, scientific organisation supporting our members in leading and developing sustainable Irish agriculture and food related sectors.
About us
With 1,600 members from every discipline of the agri-food sector, we are the voice of the agricultural profession in Ireland.
Our members operate across the entire agri-food sector both in Ireland and internationally including government departments, research, advisory/consultancy, education and training, agri-business, rural organisations, banking and the media.
We have been representing the Agricultural Science profession since 1942.
Our Responsibilities:
- Promote Agricultural Science
- Establish and maintain standards of professional agriculture and agricultural Science education
- Provide opportunities for continuing professional development for Agricultural Scientists
- Act as the authoritative voice of the Agricultural Science profession in Ireland

ASA Council Members

Susan Maher

Dale Crammond
Vice President

Niamh Bambrick
Past President

Michael Murphy

Eddie Phelan

Aoife Bergin
Council Member

Aodhan Brennan
Council Member

Barry Larkin
Council Member

Oliver Burke
Council Member

Rachel Clancy
Council Member

Odile Evans
Council Member

Nick Finnerty
Council Member

John O'Grady
Council Member

Una Sinnott
Council Member

Maira Wall
Council Member

Liam Hennessy
Council Member

Joe Burke
Council Member

Sarah McIntosh
Council Member

Niamh Gunn
Graduate Council Member
Our Partners
We continue to build strong educational relationships with Irish Universities and Institutes of Technology.
We are also involved in educational initiatives such as Agri Aware and IASTA to get primary and secondary level students interested in agriculture and its role in society.
The ASA would like to gratefully acknowledge and thank all our sponsors over the last twelve. Without your support we could not deliver the services to our members and be the success that we are today.
Our Mission & Values
Our mission is to support the professional interests of members

Scientific Integrity



