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UCD PWE Bursary

UCD PWE Bursary


The ASA are delighted to launch our professional work experience bursary along side UCD and the Irish Farmers Journal.

The Professional Work Experience (PWE) module provides undergraduate Bachelor of Agricultural Science students at UCD with a unique opportunity to develop their skills and commercial experience during stage three of their degree programme.

The Agricultural Science Association (ASA) has teamed up with the Irish Farmers Journal to provide four €1,000 scholarships to stage three B.Agr.Sc. students to support travel and other costs associated with their placement.The four successful candidates will be awarded 75% of their scholarship prior to commencing their placement and 25% following completion of their placement and review.

Recipients of the ASA/Irish Farmers Journal PWE Scholarships will be required to submit a series of blogs for whilst on their placement. Recipients will also be required to submit a 500 word summary of their experience to the ASA at the end of their PWE placement. This may be used in future promotional material by the ASA.


Complete the application form below and Upload your  90 – 120 second video.

Any issues accesing the application form or uploading file please contact

Your video should include:

  • Proposed PWE location and duration.
  • The relevance of this PWE placement to your B.Agr.Sc. programme option.
  • Why you are interested in completing your PWE in your chosen location.
  • All applicants must use their full name as their file name
  • All applications must be submitted by 5pm Friday December 6th

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