Episode 2: Peter Byrne
In the second of the ASA ‘Experts in their Field’ monthly podcasts, ASA Council Member Philip O’Connor chats with Peter Byrne, CEO of National Co-op Farm Relief Services (NCFRS).
Peter is the main driving force behind the movement to create an organised structure to coordinate, develop, diversify and extend the Farm Relief Services (FRS) in Ireland.
Peter is married to Joan and they have seven children. He graduated from UCD in 1975 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural Science and has also completed a Master’s Degree on Farm Relief Services in 1989. Peter lives near Roscrea in Tipperary and is a passionate GAA man.
In this podcast, Peter details his distinguished career and the tremendous achievements across a range of areas including FRS Farm Relief Services, FRS Fencing, FRS Recruitment, FRS Training and Herdwatch. The NCFRS celebrates it’s 40th Anniversary in 2020, employs over 2,000 people nationwide and has a turnover in excess of €100 million. Led by Byrne, FRS’s contribution to the provision of services to farmers and others, and creating jobs in rural areas enabled potential farm successors to supplement their income and remain on the land. Peter is a worthy recipient of this year’s ASA Distinguished Member Award.
ASA thank Peter for his time and wish him and his family continued health & success into the future.